This is a special variant of my "Pieces of Eight", developed for the "In the Making" Festival, Cork, March 2025.

The game is suitable for all ages. Some understanding of maps is needed. This is a game of exploration, seeking treasure. There is no violence.

It should be easy to guess the kind of objects to be found and collected in the game, and how many there are. A help file within the program explains more about how to proceed.

New version 25.3.19 enables optional gamepad controller. Details in the help files.

It is all my own HTML and Javascript, using no other libraries or frameworks. It uses the 2D canvas. Developed in Apache Netbeans with HTML/JS plug-in (editor, localhost for testing). Images are almost all from my own photos and graphics, prepared using Affinity Photo. One image from Wikimedia is credited within the game.

PDF downloads below give details of how the limitless terrain and scenes are created, making the algorithms freely available for use with no licensing constraints.

The video explains how this game has evolved from a simple start decades ago.

Updated 8 days ago
Published 14 days ago
TagsExploration, First-Person, Open World


How the terrain is generated 4.7 MB
How scenes are displayed 1.3 MB
_Cork.mp4 48 MB
_CorkPoster_A3.jpg 7.9 MB
Download 8.2 MB

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