Another variant of my limitless terrain generator, as first seen in The Forest.
This time you start in a helicopter in a gap between floating islands. You can go up or down by using PgUp/PgDn keys and arrow keys move you around (or click the buttons).
You can land on the islands and explore them. There is also the usual orienteering-style map.

This was inspired by seeing the "Sky Island Jam" on itch yesterday. It only took a few hours to modify my program (it's just vanilla JS using 2D canvas). I was amused to see how the underside of my terrain looked.

The only changes that had to be made to the code of The Forest were

• to raise the water level to make islands in a sea rather than lakes in land,

• to not paint the sea but allow the background sky to show through,

• to enable helicopters to go below the water level when not over an island, and

• to not allow a helicopter to go up through the bottom of an island.

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